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quasi static d33 measuring meter

quasi static d33 measuring meter

型    号: ZJ-3
报    价:

ZJ-3 quasi static d33 measuring meter is a special instrument for measuring the pressure of constant d33 and design, it can be used to measure with high piezoelectric constant of the piezoelectr

ZJ-3quasi static d33 measuring meter的详细资料:

ZJ-3 quasi static d33 measuring meter

        ZJ-3 quasi static d33 measuring meter  is a special instrument for measuring the pressure of constant d33 and design, it can be used to measure with high piezoelectric constant of the piezoelectric ceramic, small piezoelectric constant of piezoelectric single crystal and piezoelectric polymer materials. In addition, for arbitrary orientation of measuring pressure in single crystal and some piezoelectric devices equivalent piezoelectric d 'constant 33, measuring instruments wide range and fine resolution, high reliability, simple operation, on the size and shape of the sample without special requirements, wafer, a circular ring, a circular pipe, square, rectangular, cylindrical and hemispherical shell can be measured, measurement results and polarity in the three and a half digital panel table displayed directly.

一、The main function of the product:

1.* d33 constant measurement of piezoelectric materials

2.* measurement of piezoelectric ceramics with high piezoelectric constant

3.* measurement of small piezoelectric constants of piezoelectric crystal and piezoelectric 4.polymer materials

5.* measurement of arbitrary orientation of piezoelectric crystals and some equivalent piezoelectric devices of piezoelectric d '33

The measurement range of d33:

×1     10 to 2000pC/N

×0.1    1 to 200pC/N


×1 (2% of d33 in the range of 200 to 2000pC/N)

(5% of d33 in the 20 to 200pC/N range)

× 0.1 (2% of d33 in the range of 20 to 200pC/N)

(5% of d33 in the 2 to 20pC/N range)

Type ZJ-3

Resolution: ×1    1pC/N

×0.1     0.1pC/N

Force frequency: - 110Hz.

Stress range:     0.25N

Polar indication: digital panel meter before the symbol when the specimen under the pressure above

The polarity of the electrode (no sign for a positive charge, "-" is a negative charge)

Instrument size: 110 * 150mm: measuring head diameter

The instrument body: 240 x 200 x 88mm

Weight: measuring head: about 4.5Kg

The instrument body: about 3Kg

Power source: AC220V, 50Hz, 20W



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